Unresolved Emotional Trauma: The Hidden Culprit Behind Chronic Health Issues

If you don’t like the road you are walking, start paving a new one ~Dolly Parton


Unresolved Emotional Trauma is often the hidden link behind chronic health issues, and when we begin to become aware of this, and address this connection, we often see transformative healing.

Emotional trauma is as wide as the sky is blue, and often society believes that it arises from big and distressing experiences & events that we can see. In my experience emotional trauma to the outside eye can be the tiniest speck ~ a word, a vision, an experience, loss, heartbreak, grief embroiled in the human experience, loss of health, words not spoken...I am sure everyone could name some, and this can linger long after the event...decades...a lifetime for some. This is the human experience and one that many people carry silently.

The Mind-Body Connection

Unresolved emotional trauma can manifest physically, contributing to chronic issues like fatigue, pain, and digestive problems. As the saying goes, “The body keeps the score.”

Real-Life Impact

We hear and stories all the time of people who have addressed their emotional trauma and had dramatic increase in their health and well being. This is the power of healing from within.

Steps to Healing

Healing emotional trauma can look different for everyone. Traditionally & in the western medical model it might look like medication or therapy, however, I believe that emotional healing comes with choosing something that resonates with you. That could be mindfulness, support groups, art therapy, music... Equine therapy or working with animals, getting a dog, being out in nature. It could be as simple as giving yourself permission to rest or to just BE! This list is endless! Often these simple things can have huge beneficial impacts. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

“Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.”

Integrating Functional Nutrition and Wellness Pillars

When I work with individuals I am looking at where the blocks are and how we can work to make you feel like “you ”again. Starting by addressing nutrition, sleep, stress management, and physical activity creates a holistic approach to healing and by nurturing the body, we support emotional and physical recovery.

Your Supportive Environment

I believe that helping you to feel safe and supported and seen, is a powerful way to help you heal and thrive.


Recognizing the impact of unresolved emotional trauma on chronic health is the first step to healing. If this resonates or has made a connection with you in some way, please reach out, this is the first step in beginning your journey to wellness.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you. ~Rumi”


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