Pregnancy & Birth Services

These services are for you if:

  • You are Pregnant

  • You would like to mentally and emotionally prepare for birth

  • You have some fear and anxiety about how you will cope with labour

  • Your partner is not 100% sure how to support you and would like to learn how.

  • Perhaps you have had a previous traumatic birth, or birth experience that didn't go to plan. Sometimes chatting with a Midwife who has clinical experience in these scenarios can hold space for you and assist in putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

These Services include:

Birth Essentials Course

The Confident Birth Chat

Birth Debrief Session


Pregnancy birth classes Perth
Antenatal birth classes

Birth Essentials Course

This course is a compact 5-hour workshop designed to give you the information you need for your birth and parenthood journey.

The workshop is facilitated by an experienced Midwife in a friendly, easy-going environment.

Due to my schedule I currently only have availability for private face to face classes over 2 evening sessions.

The Confident Birth Chat

The Confident Birth Chat is your personal hour of Empowerment! Expectant parents, do you have questions or seeking reassurance about your journey into parenthood? Join my exclusive one-hour session for personalized guidance, expert advice on birthing processes, and empowerment tools. Choose Confident Birth Chat for individualized support, a safe virtual space, and expert facilitation by an experienced Midwife.

Counselling for birth trauma or experience for you and your partner

Birth Debrief

Birth Debriefing is an opportunity for you to talk about your birth experience so that you feel heard and supported. Sometimes the events of our birth are not clear and can be confusing, at a time that is highly emotional and your vulnerability is very raw.

Birth Debriefing is for yourself and anyone who supported you in your birth that feels they need it, especially Dads/partners.

The session is 1 hour and can be done as a one-off or regularly as required.