Birth Education Testimonials


I had the most perfect birth ~ I honestly think I can attribute this to all the things I learnt with you! Thank you sooo much. 25/12/2019

Kristy & Luke 27/02/2020

" Luke & I did this class with Inspired by You - Birth & Healing Journeys and I highly recommend it. Angela is an amazing birthing instructor and excellent Midwife. She put a lot of my worries at ease and I think when it is time for baby 3 to arrive the techniques we have learnt will come in very handy."

Danika & Zac 13/04/2020

After a stressful and super intense second birth I found Angela and reached out to her for support for my 3rd birth. Angela’s classes were absolutely amazing, the meditations helped me so much through my pregnancy mainly with the added stress of having a baby through a pandemic it was exactly what I needed.

Rena & Phil 02/06/2020

This is the short version of it:) thanks for the birth sessions you ran for us. We felt we had learnt so much from it and how we were able to work as a team. I could not imagine going through all that without Phil and his encouragement.

Hui & Bryant June 17, 2020

My birthing experience was very positive and both Bryant and I were surprised by how well it went. Of course those breathing exercises were helpful throughout.

Niki & Antoine July 24 2020

Thank you for all your support and wonderful knowledge & advice ~ it really helped us feel prepared going into the labour and to remain centred throughout. The birth was amazing and very fast. It was the most incredible, exhilarating, and transformative experience, a lot of which I attribute to the birth Course.

Angelina & Denny Jan 2021

Thank you so much Angela for your advice. Denny and I both agreed the course was really beneficial to get our heads back in the game and provided a really good opportunity for us to talk honestly about what we wanted this time around. Denny was much more prepared this time, and exactly the support I needed.

Emma & Matt Jan 2021

We are so glad we did the birth course, it really helped us prepare and have a very relaxed experience. We will be recommending it to others for sure.

Alex & Ben Feb 2021

I had an absolutely beautiful home water birth. The course helped a lot and I knew exactly when I was in each stage. Thank you for all you taught us.

Mairead & Alan Feb 2021

"It all sounds quite dramatic, but we were very calm on the day. We used all the techniques you taught us. My husband was amazing and we were very calm and just rolled with the changes as they happened. Thank you so much, your birth class helped us so much. We've been recommending you to all our friends:)"

Birth Couple Jan 21

Great course to give me confidence and great to help my partner understand the process and know how to be helpful. Really enjoyed Angela's teaching, very calm but practical.

Birth Couple May 2021

Our baby came 4 weeks early and he is home now and doing really well. Definately went into labour prepared with knowledge so thank you so much for a great course.

Emma & Andrew August 2021

Thank you so much for your valuable education, guidance and support during our pregnancy. Your Birth Course allowed me to have my dream birth when everyone thought I could not. Your support during the last stressful weeks of my pregnancy meant more than you could ever know. We are forever grateful.

Tia & Mat Oct 2021

Thank you for making the time for us. It definately helped - more than I realised, especially while at home before heading to the hospital. I was able to labour at home until 8 cm unbeknownst to me! and delivered without any medication or assistance. Breathing & focusing helped 100%.

Talhy & Tom Nov 2021

The course was so useful and we wished we had done it before our first birth! Angela was a fantastic facilitator; there wasn’t a question she couldn’t answer and she often drew from her extensive experience as a midwife. She was so caring & sensitive about our anxieties, and we felt really supported & empowered.

Sept 2022 Couple

I finished the course feeling a lot more confident, positive and informed about the birth experience. Thanks Angela

Emily & Mitch August 2022

Thanks so much for the course Angela. The breathing techniques made a world of difference to our experience and just the knowledge in general from your course gave us so much awareness and comfort with what was going on. Thank you

Taylia & Chris August 2022

Thank you so much for fitting us in. We found it very useful and we've now got some valuable tools to help us moving forward.

March course couple 2022

The visualisation and breathing techniques were so helpful. More than anything..your course gave us the confidence to advocate for ourselves and feel confident in achieving the birth I wanted, which is the greatest gift. We can't thank you enough for personally delivering the course, & the questions you answered

Hayley & Ashley July 2022

Your course was amazing and so helpful in preparing us mentally for an unexpected outcome. We used the breathing techniques so much. Thank you.

Mel ~`Dec 21, 2022

Thank you so much for your birth Course, it truely helped a lot. I had a successful VBAC in March . It was so wonderful and I am so grateful for the experience. No drugs and I laboured at home until fully dilated.

Jess & Tony ~May 2022

I'm so glad we did your birth course. The visualisation techniques were so helpful in the beginning stages, but more than anything was the confidence that your birth course gave us to advocate for ourselves and feel confident in achieving the birth I wanted was the greatest gift.

Tiah March 2023

We ended up welcoming our baby girl into the world at 41 weeks and 2 days on the 30th of March.  She is the absolute best ! Thanks again for all the information and confidence that your birth course gave us. I ended up using the breathing techniques and a tens machine as my main pain relief for my 60 hour posterior labour. Although it was long it was the most amazing and positive experience. Thanks again :)


Wellness Testimonials


Empowered Birth in Perth: Exploring your options.