Empowered Birth in Perth: Exploring your options.

Hi, congratulations on your pregnancy. I am Ang, and I am a Mum & Midwife here in Perth. Embarking on the journey of pregnancy for the first time can feel really overwhelming for some, especially when faced with the variety of options for pregnancy care. The choice is endless…from Midwives to Family Birth Centres, public hospitals, shared care with general practitioners, private obstetricians in private hospitals…private Midwives & homebirth.  The choices can seem endless. Each option carries its own considerations and implications for your birth experience, making the decision-making process complex. Amidst the excitement and anticipation, it is essential to take some quiet moments to reflect on your preferences and priorities, ensuring that the chosen model of care aligns with your vision for childbirth. With support from healthcare professionals and loved ones, navigating this decision becomes an empowering step towards a positive and supported journey into parenthood.

Models of Pregnancy Care

A model of care incorporates who will be looking after you during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.  Selecting the right model of care and care providers is vital for ensuring a positive and supported birth experience. Here are various models available to you:

1.     Community Midwife Programme (CMP)

The CMP offers personalized care either at home or in a birthing center. By applying to the CMP, you'll be matched with a dedicated midwife who will support you throughout your pregnancy journey. Continuity of care is a key feature, ensuring you have the same midwife from start to finish. If circumstances necessitate, a backup midwife will be arranged. Check the inclusion criteria and apply for the CMP here.

Cost: Free

Family Birthing Centre

Family Birthing Centers, such as those at Fiona Stanley Hospital and King Edward Memorial Hospital, provide a homely atmosphere conducive to natural birthing practices. These centers prioritize low-risk, healthy pregnancies and emphasize mobility and upright positions during labour. You will receive care from a consistent team of midwives, fostering continuity and comfort. Spaces are limited, so be sure to check availability and criteria here or contact the respective centers via email.

Cost: Free

2.     GP Shared Care

Ideal for low-risk pregnancies, GP Shared Care involves a collaboration between your general practitioner (GP) and the hospital. Your antenatal appointments up to 36 weeks will be with your GP, with an initial hospital appointment around the 20-week mark. While this option is free for birthing in the public system, there may be gap fees for appointments not covered under Medicare. Confirm if your GP offers shared care to avail of this option.

Cost: Free (for birthing in the public system)

3.     Private or Independant Midwife (IM)

Engage the services of an Independent Midwife for personalized care in the comfort of your own home. Independent Midwives provide comprehensive antenatal and some postnatal care, ensuring individualised attention throughout your pregnancy journey. Additionally, some IMs have admission rights to certain hospitals, offering flexibility in case of a transfer requirement. Costs typically range from $6,000 to $8,000, with potential Medicare coverage for some expenses.

Cost: $6,000 - $8,000 (including pre-natal and some post-natal appointments)


If you choose to go public and have a low risk pregnancy, you will be referred to the Public Hospital in your catchment area. If you are seeing a GP they will often do the initial testing and then refer you to your birthing provider from about 20 weeks gestaton for appointments. Appointments are not always the same and you will be seen by the staff members who are on duty for that day. If your delivery is normal and uncomplicated you are often home within 6-24 hours. All your appointments are covered by medicare including blood tests and scans. Public hospitals within the Perth Metro area include: Armadale Health Service

Bentley Hospital

Fiona Stanley Hospital

Joondalup Health Campus

King Edward Memorial Hospital

Osborne Park Hospital

St John of God Midland Public Hospital

You are generally referred to the hospital within your catchment area depending on your clinical requirements.

Cost for Birthing in a public hospital – free


Are run by endorsed midwives who provide tailored care from early in your pregnancy right through to your postpartum journey, and include services such as antenatal & postnatal care, lactation support, birth debrief and more. For the ladies in the far northern suburbs click here.

COST: Free


Anyone with private health insurance can choose to be seen by an Obstetrician of their choice and that providers place of delivery. Your insurance is required to cover you for pregnancy and related services for at least 12 months. Most of the fees related to private care are chargeable including the obstetricians Management fee.

Currently in Perth due to the closure of some private services, hospitals offering private maternity care include:

Out of pocket costs for Private obstetrics can be anywhere from

$1000 -$7000

This is just a snippet into models of care, but hopefully that gives you some direction and guidance. Feel free to reach out with any questions or to contact via the links in this blog post for any that resonate for you.

Till next time

Ang x


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